Year 7 Health and Physical Education - Rowing Class in 2025

Applications close Sunday 15 December 2024

The Health and Physical Education (HPE) - Rowing Class is a core HPE alternative offered by Unley High School. Currently, the Year 7 HPE - Rowing Class has several vacancies open to any students who have been allocated a place at Unley High School for 2025. To fill these vacancies the School will complete an application process from August to December 2024.

Before applying for Year 7 HPE - Rowing Class in 2025 please

Student Details

Parent/Carer's Details

Student Information

History of Sport Involvement

Please complete a new line for each sport.


The details enclosed in this form are accurate and respresent genuine interest in being a part of the Health and Physcial Education - Rowing Class.

I understand that the details are confidential and will only be used in assessing the eligibility for the Year 7 Health and Physcial Education - Rowing Class in 2025. 

Only current year 6 students will be eligible to apply for the Year 7 Health and Physcial Education - Rowing Class in 2025 and need to be committed to the Rowing Class until the end of semester 1, 2028. 

I understand that the Health and Physcial Education - Rowing Class has a fee of $600 per annum (commencing in year 7).

I understand that students accepted into the Health and Physcial Education - Rowing Class are also expected to participate fully in  rowing as an extracurricular activity.

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